Desalination helps meet water shortfalls in parts of the world. Is it a viable...
State Sen. Kevin Priola traveled to Israel in 2022 and came away with an idea: If the arid country can produce drinking water by taking the salt out of...
Colorado’s water users are told “use it or lose it.” But is the threat...
In December 2020, the Summit County Open Space and Trails Department bought a 15-acre property with a small pond, three ditches and a well.
Known as the Shane Gulch property,...
Budget-strapped Wyoming towns race for federal funds to fix aging water, sewer systems
Waking up to long-overdue system upgrades, dozens of towns that were awarded federal ARPA dollars may see them "clawed back" for lack of resources to complete paperwork.
Using less of the Colorado River takes a willing farmer and $45 million in...
Wyoming native Leslie Hagenstein lives on the ranch where she grew up and remembers her grandmother and father delivering milk in glass bottles from the family’s Mount Airy Dairy.
Meet The 28-Year-Old Californian Trying To Save The Colorado River
The Colorado River is in crisis — one of the worst in recorded history. For the past several months, the seven states that use Colorado River water have been trying to come up with a plan to keep the river from collapsing. California is the single largest user of Colorado River water, which means that any effort to save the river involves California making some serious cuts.
What to watch on the Colorado River in 2024
After years of dry conditions throughout the West, 2023 gave the region’s water managers the greatest gift of all: a hefty snowpack. What will 2024 bring?
Upper Colorado River states add muscle as decisions loom on the shrinking river’s future
Upper basin states seek added leverage to protect their river shares amid difficult talks with California and the lower basin
Utah’s Suicide Pact With the Fossil Fuel Industry
The state’s fixation on oil and gas development threatens the Colorado River watershed.
Stream restoration bill watered down
A bill making it easier for stream-restoration projects to take place has been gutted after stakeholders couldn’t reach an agreement.
Amid a withering drought, New Mexico leaders struggle to plan for life with less...
New Mexico faces tough choices as a dire and historic drought continues and the Rio Grande is unable to give everyone what they want or need.