The Other Border Dispute Is Over an 80-Year-Old Water Treaty
With another hot summer looming, Mexico is behind on its water deliveries to the United States, leading to water cutbacks in South Texas. A little-known federal agency has hit a roadblock in its efforts to get Mexico to comply.
Photos: Laguna Grande Restoration Area, Mexico
This page features photos of the Laguna Grande Restoration Area in Baja California, Mexico.
The Laguna Grande Restoration Area is a 1,200-acre plot of land located on the Colorado River’s...
Photos: Morelos Dam, October 2018
This page contains ground-based and aerial photos of Morelos Dam just south of where California, Arizona and Mexico meet.
Morelos Dam was constructed in 1950 after The Mexican Water Treaty...
Restoring the Colorado River Delta
In Mexico, where the Colorado River approaches the sea with barely a trickle, conservationists are working to restore the natural habitats of the river’s dry delta. Gary Strieker reports...
Water-starved Colorado River Delta gets another shot of life from the river’s flows
Despite water shortages along the drought-stressed Colorado River, experimental flows resumed in Mexico to revive trees and provide habitat.
Video: The vanishing vaquita
Should Colorado River water be used to grow alfalfa or subdivisions in the Phoenix metropolitan area?