An initiative of the Center for Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado Boulder

The Crystal River flows through the town of Marble just after its confluence with Yule Creek

U.S. Army Corps won’t hold public hearing on marble quarry that relocated Yule Creek

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has denied local groups’ request for a public hearing in the case of a marble quarry that violated the Clean Water Act.

Toxic algae blooms in reservoirs near Steamboat detected thanks to new state protocol

Since state officials began a more focused monitoring effort six years ago to detect toxic algae blooms in Colorado’s lakes and reservoirs, testing has documented harmful levels of such toxins three times on the Western Slope.

Despite pandemic, Denver Water’s lead reduction program shows promising early results

One year after it launched one of the largest lead treatment programs in the United States, Denver Water is slightly ahead of schedule.

Gunnison River, with elevated selenium levels, faces review for reclassification

State water-quality officials will soon evaluate whether two water-improvement programs in the Gunnison River basin have successfully reduced a chemical that is toxic to endangered fish.

Well water throughout California contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’

These chemicals are everywhere. They last forever. They’re expensive to get rid of. And many Californians don’t even know they’re drinking them.
water drop wikipedia

What happens when a rural area’s only well is contaminated?

As California’s new requirements for forever chemicals kick in, small providers in remote towns struggle to clean up their water.

Colorado mitigation “bank” to offset wetland damage, meet Clean Water Act rules

A developer who disrupts wetlands or streams can offset that impact by buying credits generated from floodplain and ecosystem restoration.

Pitkin County groups concerned about marble quarry’s impacts on waterways

Local groups are keeping a close eye on a marble-mining company that violated the Clean Water Act with a Yule Creek diversion.

Video: Five years after the Gold King Mine spill

Environmental correspondent Laura Paskus revisits the Gold King Mine spill and the destructive impact of the toxic orange plume that went flowing down the Animas and San Juan rivers five years ago.

Long criticized for inaction at the Salton Sea, California says it’s all-in on effort...

Dust suppression and habitat restoration are key elements in a plan to aid the Salton Sea, whose ills have been a sore point in Colorado River management.