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Photos: Hite Marina and Lake Powell, October 2022
This page features aerial photos of Hite Marina, the Hite Crossing Bridge, and Lake Powell in southeast Utah.
Lake Powell is the second-largest reservoir in...
Photos: North Lake Powell, October 2022
This page features aerial photos of the northern end of Lake Powell in Utah.
Lake Powell is the second-largest reservoir in the nation by capacity...
Photos: Antelope Point and Lake Powell, May 2021
This page features aerial and ground-based photos of Antelope Point and Lake Powell in northern Arizona.
Lake Powell is the second-largest reservoir in the nation...
Photos: South Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam, May 2021
This page features aerial photos of Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam near Page, Arizona.
Lake Powell is the second-largest reservoir in the nation by...
Photos: Bullfrog Marina and Lake Powell, October 2022
This page features aerial and ground-based photos of Lake Powell's Bullfrog Marina in southern Utah.
Created by Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell is the second-largest...
A mud-caked “terra incognita” emerges in Glen Canyon as Lake Powell declines to historic...
Lake Powell’s delta is the place where the flowing Colorado River meets the stillwater reservoir.
Recent drop in Lake Powell’s storage shows how much space sediment is taking up
A new study shows that sedimentation from the Colorado River means that Lake Powell's storage capacity is lower than previously believed.
Declining levels at Lake Powell increase risk to humpback chub downstream
Low levels and warming waters threaten to increase invasive species in the Colorado River.
Two new Colorado River deals give parched Lake Powell temporary relief
Lake Powell will receive 1 million acre-feet of water from the Colorado River as a short-term solution to drought, boosting lake levels and protecting hydropower production.
New forecast: Lake Powell electricity production to drop, as officials race to boost water...
Electricity produced at Glen Canyon Dam has been cut in half by the 20-year drought.