Photos and videos: White River Flight, May 2021

This page features aerial imagery of the White River in northwest Colorado and northeast Utah.

The White River is a tributary of the Green River, which is the Colorado River’s largest tributary. High in the Flat Tops Wilderness, the White River begins its nearly 200-mile journey, passing through the Colorado cities of Meeker and Rangely on the way to meeting the Green in northeast Utah.   

Although the White River begins in a relatively lush, high-altitude setting, much of its route is through a more arid landscape. Several small reservoirs impound the river’s flow and a new dam has been proposed by the Rio Blanco Water Conservancy between Meeker and Rangely.

Thanks to LightHawk for the aerial support for this flight.

Learn more:

State of the River, Lucas Turner, The Herald Times, July 16, 2021

Judge dismisses several water uses in White River reservoir case, Heather Sackett, Aspen Journalism, January 5, 2021

Questions in North Park as Colorado makes case for new rules to measure water diversions, Allen Best, Fresh Water News, November 12, 2021

DateMay 2021
LocationFlight traveled downstream from Rangely to Meeker, Colorado, then to the confluence with the Green River in Utah.
CreditAerial support provided by LightHawk and pilot David Cole
RightsFree to reuse under Creative Commons license.

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