Paddling the Green River to report on Western water issues – Water Buffs Podcast ep. 8 – Heather Hansman

Journalist Heather Hansman floated the Green River to explore water issues in the American West, then wrote a fascinating book about her journey. We also talk to Heather about her reporting on water issues on the Navajo Nation.

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The Green River is the most significant tributary of the Colorado River. Journalist Heather Hansman floated the Green in a pack raft to explore water issues in the American West, then wrote a fascinating book about her journey. We also talk to Heather about her reporting on water issues on the Navajo Nation. Heather’s new book, “Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow” was released this month.

Episode highlights

Introduction   (0:29)
Heather Hansman, author and water journalistHeather Hansman, author and water journalist
Heather‘s writing appears in such publications as The Guardian, Sierra and The New York Times, and she is is an environmental columnist for Outside online. Her 2019 book “Downriver: into the Future of Water in the West” explored the western U.S. water system during a trip down the length of the Green River. Her latest book book “Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow” was released in November of 2021.
Starts at 1:03
What inspired the trip for “Downriver?”What inspired the trip for “Downriver?”
The 2019 book chronicled Hansman’s paddle down the length of the Green River, a tributary of the Colorado.
Starts at 1:53
Favorite parts of river trip?   (9:15)
What attracted you to water journalism?   (13:17)
Are there misconceptions about water you need to deal with?   (17:05)
Water Words: ‘Riparian rights’Water Words: ‘Riparian rights’   (20:33)
Reporting on tribal water issues on the Little Colorado   (23:03)
What do you think about water resources in a drying Colorado River Basin?   (31:22)
New book: “Powder Days”New book: “Powder Days”
The book is described as “an exhilarating journey into the hidden history of American skiing, offering a glimpse into an underexplored subculture from the perspective of a true insider.”
Starts at 34:10
What’s the snow picture for the Colorado Basin?   (36:16)
What’s the role of the recreation industry in addressing environmental challenges?   (38:09)
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